And check out the Minnesota Bride blog post here!
Have a very happy holiday!
Minnesota Bride
And check out the Minnesota Bride blog post here!
Have a very happy holiday!
Ladies and Gentleman, I would like your attention. For months now, I’ve been dying to share with you the wedding of Alyson and Jesse. This wedding meant SO much to me, for so many reasons, but most importantly for the positive impact I hope it makes in our market and industry overall! Alyson and Jesse are my first LGBTQ+ couple and it was my extreme pleasure of photograph their wedding! It’s been a personal goal of mine to gain more LGBTQ+ couples, because I truly believe in gay rights, marriage and equality for all. When I met Alyson and Jesse, it was very clear that they were the perfect clients for me, and we really connected over the entire experience of their wedding! What is even more epic is that I feel like we’re making a big difference and taking part in a little bit of history, because the Newquist’s wedding is the
When I found this out, it really hit me how important this time is for our world and the incredible impact it will have on the wedding industry! I’m a person who is all about making a difference and to be a part of this movement is incredibly exciting to me. I feel honored to be a part of it. I’m also very proud that Minnesota Bride believed in this story enough to publish it, and the fact that this is all happening pre-leagalization in Minnesota is even MORE exciting!!!
Alyson and Jesse were two of the handiest and craftiest brides I’ve ever met! These two decided not only to have a DIY wedding, but they purchased 40 acres of land up in Finlayson, MN and opened a wedding venue, called Juliane James Place, for future couples to host their weddings and events at! I, myself, have used the space to photograph Tara LaTour’s newest collection and also to host the ELEVATE Workshop this past fall! The property is nothing short of gorgeous and I highly encourage you all to check it out! I will be doing a full blog post on Alyson & Jesse’s wedding in the next few weeks, but I wanted to share the news of this incredible feature in the newest issue of MN Bride, which is hitting the news stands as we speak! This feature means more to me, simply because of the issue at hand on LGBTQ+ marriage. I hope it does impact not only our city, but our industry and Midwest market overall! As a vendor, I’m incredibly proud and that is the best feeling in the world!
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You can find the newest issue of Minnesota Bride all over the city from grocery stores to Target to Barnes and Noble, so make sure you check this out!
Make sure to pick up your issue - on news stands now!
This image was taken at the Walker Art Center this past May at Sam and Maryann Kwon's fabulous wedding!