Mr. and Mrs. Bonfante!

When I sit down to write blog posts about our clients, I try to reflect upon the day and tell a cool little story about the couple, their details and amazing vendors they have booked. However, when it comes to Kate and Juan, I feel like I need to tell the story from the perspective of our team. My assistants this past week were two dudes on our team, Jackson and Ryan. Ryan's been with our crew for 4-5 seasons and Jackson is a newbie (and an awesome one at that.) For the wedding, Juan, our groom, made a special request for us to shoot film images, specifically with a Hasselblad camera. Personally, for me creatively, this was amazing. It's rare that wedding couples make specific requests like this, so it's fun to have the opportunity to seriously shoot film again. Looking through the Hasselblad camera is an entirely different experience, then our fancy digital cameras. The colors look different, the depth of field is different and it just takes me back to why I am a photographer. It was refreshing for me to use that camera throughout the day and it was exciting for Ryan and Jackson to get a feel for it as well! Using film as a medium is just a yummy experience that gets me SO jazzed about creating photographs - and it's also a completely different process than digital. It made me slow down a bit and take it all in. (Though, according to Jackson, I was just 'blowing through the film', which is also kind of true...maybe I was too excited!) Throughout the day, there were various moments that really touched us all and after the wedding, Ryan said to me, "You know, I feel like I was really emotionally invested in today. Like, more than usual." It's true. Kate and Juan have a love that is SO genuine, so pure, so transparent and yet has so much depth to it. They exude a passion with each other, but also a love that extends to their family and friends. I guess I can't really put words to what we felt when we wrapped our shoot, but all of us felt like we had truly been blessed to witness a marriage as strong as Kate and Juan's.

The day was perfect, in it's own way. It was a windy, blustery, chilly day here in Minnesota, but it didn't rain and they light was gorgeous. Since we have had all of this rain here this Spring, the Cherry Blossom trees were in full bloom, along with Kate's favorite flowers, which are Lilacs. Their ceremony took place at the Lake Harriet Band Shell and the reception was at the Walker Art Center. One of my favorite things about their reception was the potted herbs that they used for their centerpieces - what a cool idea for a spring wedding?

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Congratulations to Kate and Juan on their amazing day. Thank you so much for inspiring us! You better believe that the moment we get the film back from the lab, I'll be blogging about that, too!