Vegas 2011!!

WHEW!!! Every year we travel to Las Vegas for WPPI, which is one of the biggest conventions for wedding photographers around. Every year, our time spent here goes by SO fast and it just seems like a giant whirlwind, and even though we tried to simplify things this year, it was still pretty darn crazy!

This year was truly all about seeing our friends! We didn't schedule any shoots, or talks, workshops or anything educational, for that matter. Our focus was to really see the people we love so much who live all around the country!! We did give some love to our friends at Red Cart, who are one of our all-time-favorite vendors around! Some highlights for me were to see my ladies, have some awesome conversations with Daniel Chin and Bryan Johnson, dance with the Solar's, and tear it UP with our one and only Photogen Inc. Crew!

I took along my Yashica T4 Camera - and here are the incriminating and very hilarious photos of some of my lovely lovely friends!


I think the ultimate highlight of my Vegas experience this year was attending an outdoor concert, at SUNRISE...after a big night of dancing, it was brutal to get up and going again (after an hour of sleep...that was stupid), but it was SO FREAKING WORTH IT!!! The concert was put on by a company called With Etiquette, who are working to legit-ly license music by some AMAZING musicians for us all to use on our websites, videos, etc. This particular event featured music from Jesh DeRox, Kelli Schaefer, and The Ravishers. The uber-cool-kids over at Still Motion put together this amazing video! It was such a cool experience to be out in the middle of nowhere, at sunrise, for no particular reason than to breathe in the fresh air and listen to some amazing music!

we bring the sun // WE from stillmotion on Vimeo.

Cheers to another fabulous year in Sin City!