LOVEe Group Consults // Denver Recap!!

This trip to Denver has been fantastic! The purpose of the trip is to have a bunch of LOVEe Consults, and the first ever Group LOVEe Consult!! The session was held at The Corner Office, in downtown Denver and the space + service set the perfect tone!! The consults are a very personal and intense-conversational-based session, which we critique all areas of a photographer's business, so it was super important for me to find the perfect atmosphere! We talked about our experiences, why we are artists, and the strengths and struggles of owning your own business. We talked about everything from the wedding world to commercial photography and nailing down your perfect clients. We also talked how to actually be profitable and how to push the limits to make that happen. One common word was the theme of yesterday:


It all comes down to trust.

Trust yourself that you CAN build a business on your passion. Trust and allow yourself to change and grow into the roll of a stronger artist and business owner. Trust  yourself that you are confident in your skill when shooting. Trust your gut. Trust in your dreams. Trust others in your community and industry to build each other up. Trust that you will find your perfect clients.

Ultimately, the people who will book you will believe in you. Whether they are booking you to shoot their wedding of photograph a big editorial spread, they are trusting in you to get the job done and give them the most incredible experience ever! You can do it! All you have to do is allow yourself to trust...


On another note, I have had the opportunity to meet some new friends, Paul Bangasser and R.J. Kern! Both of these men are photographers, kick ass artists and have the BEST hearts!! They are both driven by extreme passion and are born leaders! I am so happy to have gotten a chance to chat with them both on this trip and share the LOVE!